Ever since the origin of the Earth itself, the environment has been undergoing change. Population growth and climate change are now placing unprecedented pressures on biodiversity and the environment as a source of food, water, and raw materials. Catastrophic environmental events appear on the increase while the on-going accumulation of greenhouse gases presents an unparalleled risk to the future of our planet. Concurrently, the environment continues to provide the platform, the material and the inspiration for the expression of human creativity.
The University of Reading is an acknowledged world leader in environmental science, most notably in understanding the dynamics of weather and climate. Our research addresses the past, present and future of the environment, ranging from outer space to the deepest oceans, from the habits of spiders to the growth of mega-cities and aesthetics of landscape. Our concern is as much with the forces of global climate and environmental change as with individual experience within the world.
Our research in Environment directly links with our research in Health, Food, Heritage & Creativity and Prosperity & Resilience.